Research Help

Starting Your Project:


1.  Identifying Topic  

4.  Brainstorm Keywords

2. Narrow Topic  

5.  Evaluate and Revise

3. Ask Questions


Identifying Topic:

 Narrowing Topic:


Ask Questions:

Brainstorming Keywords:

Evaluate and Revise:  

Ask Yourself the Following Questions.  If your Answer to any of them is "no," go back and revise until you can answer
them all with a "yes."

    • Have you selected a topic that is interesting to you and meets the requirements of the assignment?
    • Have you narrowed your topic down or broadened it out so that the research is manageable and your results will fit into the required assignment length?
    • Have you created a list of questions that you hope you can answer with your research?
    • From those questions have you created a list of keywords and phrases, as well as synonyms of those keywords to help you begin your research?